5 Tips to Keep Human Connection at the Forefront in a Technological Age

By Corinne Smith, Association Coordinator, Impact AMC

As we move into a new era of AI, it can be difficult to balance utilizing new technology while keeping human connections at the center of your management style. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the WSAE Women’s Conference where Sherry Whitaker Budziak, cofounder of .orgSource, shared her framework for leading with “HEART” in an environment where technology is evolving rapidly.

Some associations and AMCs are tempted to turn away from AI for the very fact that it can diminish the humanness of what they’re offering. However, as Sherry points out, if you’re not utilizing these tools to increase efficiency in any workplace, you’re falling behind. The importance of finding a balance grows more important with each advancement.

1. Humanize

We are working in an age that centers a lot of attention on data and growth, but it’s imperative to remember the people behind the data and their real lived experiences. Consider what you can do to dig deeper and foster human connections. I find myself seeking more qualitative data to balance that quantitative data. When considering technological initiatives, ask yourself what it does to enhance, rather than diminish human interactions with your association or within your teams. In a space with more and more automation, are there ways to make these integrations more personal or engaging?  

2. Empower

Unlocking the potential of your team and empowering them to share ideas will lead to greater innovation. An empowered team is equipped with the knowledge, tools, and importantly, the autonomy to seek new solutions collaboratively. Consider what you can do to foster an environment where your team feels supported and trusted to grow and contribute. What can you delegate that will create growth opportunities for the next generation of leaders within your organization?

3. Ascend

The third piece of the HEART framework requires a little more creative thinking and ambition for yourself and organization. Technological advancements allow us to rise above traditional limitations and constraints. Consider what has held your organization back historically. Are there new tools or ways to overcome those barriers? Is there anything you have not considered previously or something you thought was too much of a “moonshot” idea? These ideas help push you to set new benchmarks and explore what’s possible.

4. Reimagine

Reimagining means asking why. Look beyond the current climate and envision what the future could look like. Using digital tools and platforms, you can create new value propositions or redesign the customer experience. How can you begin to find solutions for the unanticipated needs of tomorrow?

5. Transform

The final piece of the framework might be the scariest to try and implement. Transformation requires fundamentally rethinking processes and business models to make profound changes. Consider taking it one bite at a time. What is one area your organization could undergo a transformative change and how could technology play a role? Leverage these technological advancements to launch your organization into the future.

As you consider Sherry’s HEART framework, remember to hold each piece in mind. A transformation without a humanized approach could leave members behind. Reimagining without the input of an empowered team could lead to gaps in understanding and unanticipated challenges. Remember that navigating an evolving technological world is an ongoing challenge which requires continuous reflection and adaptation, but this framework can provide a starting point to finding balance.

Dive deeper on AI

Read more about AI in the Association Industry. Impact AMC Director of Operations and Data Specialist, Alyssa Merkle, conducts a thorough evaluation of necessary considerations surrounding generative AI, including opportunities, risks, and legal implications in her blog post Considerations for Associations Regarding Generative AI.