Upping your Email Game: 4 Ways to Better Reach your Members

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Associations often use emails as their primary method of communication with members. Emails can be a great way to keep members engaged and informed, but they do need to be done right in order to see the best results. This might require a few test runs in order to fully understand what grabs the attention of your target audience. Here are a few ways you can up your email game and hold your members’ attention.

1. Segment your email lists.

The more specific you are to your audience, the more likely they will be to take action or at the very least read your email. Depending on the topic you want to reach your members about, create lists based on age, careers, special interest, geographic location. This will prevent people from receiving too many emails about things they are not interested in, which could result in the dreaded unsubscribe button being hit.

2. Emphasize your call to action.

Put it in the subject line, start the email with it, and end the email with it. You can never mention the reason you are emailing too much. Word it differently so that you don’t sound like a broken record but make sure to get your point across!

3. Send a test email.

Send yourself the email before sending out that final draft. Read it a few hours after you have finished it to see it with a clear mind. Does it get your point across? Does it feel personal? Will they understand all of the information? What questions would they have? If the answer to any of those questions is not what you intended, go make some edits!

4. Review the data!

Once your email has gone out into the universe and is no longer under your control, pay close attention to the results. Note who clicked on what, who didn’t even open the email, and anything else that could help you to have more effective emails in the future.

 After each email, make sure to note what worked and what didn’t. Always be open to making changes and taking the time to fully communicate your message to your recipients.

As seasoned association professionals, the Impact team has sent their fair share of membership emails. Too many to count! Learn how Impact can help your association see the most benefit from your member communication.