6 Tips to Unleash Your Productivity and Focus

productivity and focus hands typing on a keyboard behind text box

Written by Caroline Bowers, Executive Director, Impact Association Management. Originally published in the WSAE Vantage Point Newsletter.

In a world driven by technology and endless tasks, the pursuit of productivity and focus has become a paramount challenge. Recently, I had the privilege of attending the WSAE Live! @ The Osthoff event and participating in an enlightening session by renowned speaker CJ McClanahan. With a focus on optimizing performance and achieving real results, McClanahan shared invaluable strategies to enhance productivity, manage distractions, and reduce stress. These are my key takeaways from the session.

1. Shifting Your Paradigm:

McClanahan emphasized the need to shift our mindset regarding productivity. Instead of obsessing over being caught up, it is essential to acknowledge that there will always be more to do. By embracing this reality, you can relax, prioritize effectively, and reframe your approaches for optimal results.

2. Prioritization and Planning:

One key aspect discussed was the significance of planning your week in advance. By asking yourself, "What must be done by 5 pm?" you can identify crucial tasks and allocate dedicated time for them. McClanahan shared a thought-provoking quote: "If everything is important, nothing is important." Recognizing this, you can make informed decisions about where to invest your time and energy. Remember, you have a limited number of working hours, so prioritization is paramount.

Enlisting the right people to help can also increase productivity for you and your organization. Chat with a member of the Impact team to see how we can help you and your association make progress toward critical goals.

3. Conquering Distractions:

Distractions can severely hamper productivity, derailing your focus and wasting valuable time. McClanahan highlighted three major distractions: people, your phone, and emails. To regain control, he recommended minimizing the constant presence of email by closing it when not urgently required. When distractions arise, it takes your brain 8-24 minutes to regain focus, so proactively eliminating distractions can save significant time and effort. Additionally, McClanahan advised addressing immediate thoughts or ideas by either deciding not to pursue them, delegating them to others, or writing them down in a dedicated notebook to revisit later.

4. Nurturing Focus:

Building upon the need to eliminate distractions, McClanahan emphasized the importance of maintaining focus. Whether it's minimizing interruptions, silencing your phone, or creating a conducive work environment, taking deliberate steps to protect your focus is vital. Remember, starting with the most challenging task first can help set a productive tone for the day.

5. Reducing Stress:

Recognizing that stress can severely hinder productivity, McClanahan shared practical tips for stress reduction. Firstly, he suggested limiting exposure to national cable news, which often amplifies anxiety and negativity. Instead, opt for local news or newspapers for a more balanced perspective. McClanahan also encouraged individuals to unfollow individuals or sources that induce stress or trigger comparisons. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of regular exercise, cultivating gratitude, living generously, and practicing self-forgiveness to promote overall well-being and productivity.

The WSAE session with CJ McClanahan provided valuable insights into unlocking productivity and maintaining focus in an increasingly demanding world. Using the above strategies, we can enhance our productivity levels and achieve tangible results. Incorporating these strategies into our daily lives will undoubtedly empower us to navigate our tasks with clarity, purpose, and renewed energy, ultimately leading to increased success and satisfaction in both our personal and professional endeavors.